Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Great Discovery, find out how this can help YOU!

The Great Discovery video. Shot on green screen, captured key, added animation and graphics.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Video Spokesperson

An online video spokesperson, or virtual spokesperson, can make you stand out from your competition. It's been proven that websites today need unique features to make them stand out from the rest. An online video spokesperson does just that. At the same time a virtual spokesperson helps provide a targeted approach to better connecting with your websites visitors.
Simple videos are not enough anymore. Your website needs to come alive with a spokesperson that engages your products and services with your websites visitors. Through the use of video, audio, and animation your Online Video Spokesperson will deliver information in a way people want to receive it.
Adding an online spokesperson to your website will allow you to:
  • Increase your conversion rate.
  • Impress your visitors.
  • Stand out from your competition.
  • Become more personal and gain the trust of your visitors.
We also offer custom Web Video Host packages that will integrate even deeper with your Web site.
Visit to see some of our recent projects.